[ale] Gates: Microsoft IP Finds Its Way Into Free Software

Jim Philips jcphil at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 27 18:54:10 EDT 2003

Geoffrey wrote:
> Jim Philips wrote:
>> Jonathan Rickman wrote:
>>> Over on /.
>>> I saw the quote yesterday and was too shocked to even give it any 
>>> thought.
>>> Are we living in the matrix?
>>> I think so.
>> Well, in a loose sort of way, Gates is right in saying that there is 
>> Microsoft IP in other products,
> Don't even go there.  This is completely bogus.  The IP is  the 
> knowledge one used to create a product.  That knowledge is in no way 
> 'stolen' when you create a different solution for an existing product.

You're missing my point. Microsoft products rely on borrowed ideas as 
much or more than anybody else's. If they want to start raising 
questions like that, then they are open to some pretty serious 
questioning themselves.

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