[ale] Job requirements

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Jul 26 09:38:32 EDT 2003

Stephen Touset wrote:
> I've been looking on monster.com for a new job. I've already got one as 
> a network administrator, but I'm doing it mainly out of curiosity (to 
> see if there's anything better out there, and what I'm "qualified" for). 
> However, I'm noticing that most of the job listings have requirements 
> that are, frankly, obscene. There of plenty of jobs whose objectives I 
> *know* I can do (hell, I do most of them now), but require knowledge far 
> past what is needed to complete them. Has anyone else noticed an extreme 
> disparity between the skill level a job requires, and the skills 
> required to even be considered for the job? If so, it seems that 
> companies are wasting significant resources hiring highly overqualified 
> people when someone who'd be willing to work for half the cost is 
> perfectly suitable for the job.

The bottom line is, there's a glut of out of work techies and "I believe 
I'm a techie," so, unfortunately, the companies are trying to weed out 
as many as they can in order to just reduce the volume of the noise.

Sorry, not a helpful answer, but a reason why they tend to over specify 
the requirements.

Job: wash toilets

Experience: 10+ years in a software development environment, using every 
programming language ever created, expect LISP...

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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