[ale] samba question

John Marasco jemarasco at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 24 21:05:55 EDT 2003

Robert E. Karaffa, II wrote:

>hi folks,
>    we use a mandrake 8.2 box as our file/web server.  it is behind the
>Emory U. firewall.  we turned off our ftp server at that address, and were
>only using AppleShareIP for file transfer (mostly because our labs were all
>Mac...however, that has recently changed.  we now have Windows boxes, and we
>need to provide SAMBA to our clients).
>    AppleShareIP (via netatalk) is functioning perfectly.  Yesterday, I
>activated SAMBA on the same server, tested it with my own and a couple of my
>clients login/passwords (from an on-campus IP), it seems to work...but I
>tested it from an OS X box.  Now, my clients are asking me to fix this
>problem, and I don't know how yet:
>>Could you please give me some details on how to access my files if I use
>>Windows (XP/2000) from flowcore-ftp.rmy.emory.edu?
>>I found a computer with that name in My Network Places (I searched for it)
>>but when I try to map for it or open it it tells me that I do not have the
>>appropriate rights/permission and that the list of server for this workgroup
>>is not currently available.
>I've been hacking at this on a Dell laptop (Win2k Pro) at home, connected
>through my firewall to the Emory network via VPN, and haven't been able to
>get it to work.  I can, however, connect my G4 OS X laptop to this server
>(from home, through my firewall, via VPN), and it works fine.  So, the
>problem is with Windows (yay!).  Anybody have any hints?  Care to walk me
>through setting it up via "My Network Places"?  I hate myself for asking on
>this list, because the problem is NOT with Linux (or OS X, for that matter),
>but a keyword search via google hasn't turned up squat (I DID find all kinds
>of info on how to connect a Linux box to a Win2k network!).
>-Bob K.
workgroup = FALLS
server string = Linux Server - Share
map to guest = Bad Password
guest account = share
netbios name = Linux
hosts deny = ALL
hosts allow = 192.168.0.
encrypt passwords = yes

read only = no
guest ok = yes
comment = Raid Shared Storage
writeable = yes

read only = no
guest ok = yes
comment = Shared Storage
writeable = yes

Here is my smb.conf file.  I connect from Windows boxes (98 and 2000) to 
my Linux SMB server with these settings.  I have a "share" login defined 
on the Linux machine.  I have the Windows logins defined on the SMB box 
but I believe that I can also connect from any machine because I've set 
the "guest ok = yes" for each share and the "guest account = share" 
(where share is simply a user on the Linux machine).  I log on 
generically from my Linux laptop so I know that works too.

Of course this isn't an enterprise setting so I hope this information is 
somewhat relevant...

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