[ale] Mandrake 9.0, Fuji FinePix1400 camera

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Jul 20 13:39:21 EDT 2003

Frank Gulia wrote:
> Linux newbie alert!
> Does anyone know how to mount this camera?
> As far as I know it is a usb mass storage device. I'd like to set it up as a 
> directory within konqueror. Any help would be appreciated.

Look at the output of dmesg, or in /var/log/messages for references to 
the device when you plug it in.  It should indicate whether a driver has 
been associated with it or not.  If not, you'll need to look at the 
necessary usb modules, which will be dependent on your usb hardware.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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