[ale] OT: what other than IT do geeks do for a living?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Jul 18 07:31:26 EDT 2003

I. Herman wrote:
> I'm the only geek in my family.  I don't do IT, tho I do wireless 
> internet (GPRS/EDGE/WAP/etc).
> Mom:  tax preparer
> Dad (deceased):  Retired from the post office
> Brother:  Works in Lowe's
> Sister:  Does nothing

I think we all have a sibling with this life position..  (Pardon for 
stealing a line from the Lion King, but "there's two in my family..")

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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