[ale] OT: family geekiness

Jonathan Rickman jonathan at xcorps.net
Thu Jul 17 14:50:55 EDT 2003

On Thursday 17 July 2003 14:58, J.M. Taylor wrote:
> Does that mean I'm doomed?  Neither of my folks is geeky in the
> slightest, but then I am adopted so maybe it's nature instead of nurture.
> Perhaps instead of pursuing geeky careers, I should go into accounting
> like dear old dad and quit fighting so hard... ;)

Nah, accountants are to the technology revolution what blacksmiths were to 
the industrial revolution. I've seen it first hand. A room full of degree'd 
accountants one year, a room full of $10/hr clerks the next. Why? Some geek 
came along and fixed the accounting system. Now the accountants are off 
doing more productive things in another department...until the geek comes 
to visit them there too.

Jonathan Rickman
X Corps Security

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