[ale] Monolithic vs Modularised Kernels

Raju mr at 4securenet.com
Wed Jul 9 08:56:31 EDT 2003

The Client that I am doing for is finally pushing Linux into the
enterprise. Amazing how chap11 can actually help promote better and much
more superior technologies ;-). I am feverishly replacing a lot of the
servers with Linux (Redhat) that use to the run the piece of sh!%$^%$ NT ,
but using a vanilla kernel with the grsecurity patch. Some examples are,
Samba for the PDC, WINS, Print Server, and even the  production database
running Sybase (HP-UX) will soon be on Linux. My question is whether to
build a Monolithic or Modularised Kernel. Read several arguments on
google, but wanted to see your views. Thanks.

mr at securenet.com

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