[ale] 98, linux, and my dial up (was backup setup)

Preston Boyington pboyington at netzero.net
Wed Feb 19 13:44:06 EST 2003

Hello Geoffrey,

Wednesday, February 19, 2003, 10:59:13 AM, you wrote:

G> Preston, are you planning providing internet access via the linux box or 
G> have the win98 box dial out direct?

Currently each dials out independently.  What happens is the 98
machine doesn't like it when I give it an IP address.  Apparently this
locks dial up networking as the ISP gives it one when the machine
connects and confusion ensues.  That said the machines are not
currently "talking" over my soon-to-be network.

Ideally, I would like to set things up so if a network connection was
not already present the machine would dial.  By which I mean if the 98
box was connected the linux box would just use it as a proxy and vice
versa.  Don't know how to do that yet (am assuming it could be done).

Best scenario would be setting a linux box up to do a dial on demand
and use it for my mail/news/internet... just haven't progressed that
far, yet.  I really don't mind reading and researching to do things
(don't want to be a constant pain to the list), but don't really know
where to start.

Best regards,

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