[ale] boot parms ide=???

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Feb 19 13:10:32 EST 2003

I'm still trying to figure this one out.  Can't find much documentation 
on all this.  I've since removed the boot parm reference and it appears 
that using hdparm is sufficient to get the most bang out of my drives.

Cory T. Echols wrote:
> On 02/19, Geoffrey wrote:
>>Interesting, I've not seen this.  I guess the kernel has not kept up 
>>with the latest technology, since the highest available value is 66, as 
>>noted above.
> We may be talking about two different things here, but it is my
> understanding that the clock speed specified by the "idebus" parameter
> is not the same as the frequency that is being referred to on ide drive
> controllers.  In other words, setting "idebus=100" is not required when
> using a 100Mhz drive controller.  I've read the idebus parameter has
> something to do with PIO modes, and that PIO modes aren't used if you're
> running a 100Mhz drive controller properly.
> I know for a fact that some Promise brand ide controllers, and the
> 100Mhz controllers on some ASUS boards are fully supported in 2.4
> kernels.  How you configure that support, I'm not sure.  I don't own any
> 100Mhz controllers.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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