[ale] one or many...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Dec 31 20:43:27 EST 2003

Preston Boyington wrote:

>>> HEY!, i'm just trying to help.... (checks to see if Buffy DVD has
>>> shipped...)
>>> ;)
>> Surely I missed something here.... ???
>> -- Until later, Geoffrey
> i was implying that your comment was directed at me (ie. stupid
> users).  it was a stab at humor.  the Buffy (as in "vampire slayer")
> reference was to another topic where vampires came into play.
> also in the second sentence in this emal i used the word "stab".
> another slight Buffy/vampire reference.
> sorry Geoffrey, it's been a rather nasty day at work and i was
> attempting levity...

Levity is good... Even if it was over my head... ;)

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

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