[ale] OT: Anybody sick today?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 29 15:29:14 EST 2003

I haven't seen my feet in 15 years! :-[
In fact, I'm not sure what they look like.

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:

>I did the Atkins right before XMAS for 1 week and lost about 10 pounds.
>(But, I was also riding a mountain bike offroad 15 miles a day).
>I just wanted the ultra-flat stomach that I had a decade ago. I got close.
>The diet is soo effective and gives me more energy - but I still have an 
>attachment to sweets, so I come off the diet when I can find an excuse.
>On Monday 29 December 2003 13:31, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>>Atkins Diet is doing great things for my weight but also stopping the
>>intake of alot of the really rich foods so I'm alive and at the office
>>stiring up some havok.
>>Thus spake Dow Hurst (dhurst at kennesaw.edu):
>>>Just chiming in that my body is rebelling against all rich food today.  
>>>No more holiday food or I'll scream!!  My Linux machine is not warming 
>>>the office like it should (my perception) so I am cold and stiff.  How 
>>>are the fingers hanging out there in cyber space? ;-)

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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