[ale] Corrupted dictionary files

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 15 11:16:07 EST 2003

You probably have a dictionary under a .evolution subdirectory of your 
home directory.  Normally system files are not modified by users during 
a normal user's use of a program.  Usually the program creates a subset 
of files available inside a hidden subdirectory of your home directory.  
I don't use evolution or ximian or gnome so haven't a clue how that 
works.  Maybe someone can explain where those files would exist.

Christopher Gilbert wrote:

>How can I fix my Evolution's corrupted dictionary file.
>the "Check Word Spelling..." (which I have worn out ) is right above
>"Add Word to Dictionary". As a result I have add quite a few misspelled
>words to the dictionary file.  But I can find its location. I would have
>thought is would be in /usr/share/dict/.
>Any ideas?
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

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