[ale] OT Running executable apps on IIS (finale)

Keeler, James JKeeler at mail.HamiltonTN.gov
Wed Dec 10 15:05:42 EST 2003

I really appreciate the response I have received on this topic, especially
since this isn't a MS list.  I brought this problem to all of you with the
hope that you were computer lovers first and Linux lovers second.  I was not
disappointed.  Thank you.

As for my problem, after reading the many suggestions I have received, it
has become clear that this is not something that is easily accomplished (if
it's even possible).  In cirumstances such as these, I will continue to tell
people that some programs can be placed on the intranet page and others
can't.  If the need is so great that this is unacceptable, then I will
install the app on that person's local machine.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

James R. Keeler, MCSE
Information Systems Specialist
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office

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