[ale] Games and Grub

Fletch fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Dec 5 11:06:29 EST 2003

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Coggins <ALE at CogginsNet.com> writes:

    Robert> Hey all!  OK I have 2 machines.  One is strictly linux.  I
    Robert> want to play some cool 3d shootem up games like unreal or
    Robert> quake etc on it.  I do not want to add anything windows to
    Robert> this machine. so no wine etc... Do you guys have a
    Robert> suggestion for a website to look at?  I am looking for
    Robert> somehting free.  I never play games but I wouldn't mind
    Robert> getting a game to "escape" once a month or so.

Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament 2003 both have Linux versions
available (the former for download from ID, the later an installer
comes on the 3rd CD).  Both are relatively cheap (you should be able
to find either for ~19.95$).  If you want something other than an FPS,
check out Neverwinter Nights which also has a native Linux version.
The original's ~30$ and there's two expansions (one just came out this
week) for about the same price (there may be a `gold version' with the
game and the first expansion for 50-ish).

Not free, but if you want to play (some) wintendo games check out
Transgaming's WineX.  It's pretty reasonably priced, I think it's
around 3 months for 15$.  It worked pretty well for supported games
but there's sometimes a lag between the game release and WineX working
with it, especially if M$ is rev'ing DirectX versions or what not.  If
I had a working x86 box with enough horsepower I'd definately be
subscribed to get 3.2 so I could play Homeworld 2.


Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
770 294-0820 (m)      |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
                      |                                               U

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