[ale] Nvidia provision

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 1 12:55:20 EST 2003

I think distros ought to take advantage of the provided provision.

 From the README.txt off the Nvidia website for the latest Linux IA32 
Nvidia drivers:

Q: Why does NVIDIA not provide rpms anymore?

A: Not every Linux distribution uses rpm, and NVIDIA wanted a single
   solution that would work across all Linux distributions.  As indicated
   in the NVIDIA Software License, Linux distributions are welcome to
   repackage and redistribute the NVIDIA Linux driver in whatever package
   format they wish.

Dell has done this on my workstation in a special extra partition on the 
root drive.  They included a sound.srpm and a nvidia.srpm so the build 
modules script could take advantage of this in RedHat.  Only problem for 
me is upgrading the drivers without Dell's help using the same method as 
it will take some work to understand what they've done and how it 
works.  I'll check at Dell for any updates first.  Just thought I'd 
mention this.  Haven't looked at the Nvidia Software License either, too.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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