[ale] Google/Mozilla

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Sat Aug 30 00:56:27 EDT 2003

I noticed while helping another sysadmin here at KSU that Earthlink has 
blocked port 135 thru their network.  Charter.com seems to have blocked 
ICMP and port 135.  Anyway, the viruses have forced ISPs to modify their 
default allowed ports.  During changes you could have lost port 80 
temporarily.  Or, the phone company could have been working on the 
lines. ;-)

nick travis wrote:

>Is anyone having trouble getting to www.google.com using mozilla?  It
>was working for me about 10 minutes ago and now it has stopped, I'm
>getting a  503 Server Error, requested service not available.  It works
>fine from my windows box.
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>Ale at ale.org

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