[ale] KDE/Gnome show of hands?

Jason Day jasonday at worldnet.att.net
Wed Aug 27 10:33:53 EDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 08:57:34AM -0400, John Wells wrote:
> 1. Which do you use...KDE/Gnome/Other?


> 2. Why?

When I decided to give linux on the desktop a try, I installed RedHat
4.2.  It used fvwm-95 by default, which I hated; I was trying to get
away from windows, I didn't want an identical L&F!  So I switched to
fvwm-2, and then discovered the AfterStep fork.  I found AfterStep to be
much more powerful than fvwm, and have stuck with it ever since.

I tried KDE not long after I decided on AfterStep.  I was impressed with
it, but it was too much like windows for my taste.  Then everybody
started talking about gnome.  AfterStep announced that it would be
gnome-compliant, so I tried it.  I used gnome 1.0 - 1.4 for a long time,
until I switched to gentoo, which installed gnome 2.  Ugh.  I can
understand that the gnome folks want to draw in people who are used to
windows, and they want to "simplify" the desktop to appeal to the
windows crowd.  That's fine, but I enjoy tweaking my desktop, and I want
to pick my own window manager, thank you very much.  Gnome 2 caters to
the windows crowd at the expense of old-timers like me, IMHO.

As for AfterStep, I've yet to see a WM that handles virtual desktops in
the same way.  It has the most powerful pager I've ever seen, plus
configurable menus, and, of course, the wharf.  I don't need the gnome
panel or gkrellm, the wharf does everything they do and more.

Guess I got a little preachy, sorry about that :)
Jason Day                                       jasonday at
http://jasonday.home.att.net                    worldnet dot att dot net
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