[ale] [OT] Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Not.

Ronald Chmara ron at Opus1.COM
Mon Aug 25 20:28:27 EDT 2003

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 07:53  PM, Brad LaJeunesse wrote:
> Oh, boy. I subscribe to a "Linux" list, only to get pulled into an OT 
> thread. This isn't boding well. :)
>>>> Why did the Omniscient [Biblical] God create an angel that He
>> knew would
>>>> "fall" and become the Devil?
>>>> 	In other words, why did God endorse and create the Devil?
>>> For the sake of "free will".   A bit of randomness in the pattern is
>>> obviously going to produce negative effects from time-to-time, but 
>>> such
>>> randomness is neccessary for humanity (and angels) to be more than
>>> sock-puppets on the hand of divinity...
>> You're kidding right?
>> 1. om·nis·cient - Having total knowledge; knowing everything.
> In order for us to be culpable for our actions (sins, particularly), 
> then we must have free will.

Sez who? (Seriously.) A god that can do anything it wants doesn't have 
to obey human constructs like justice.

Take any prophesy about the actions of others. It's *already* prophesy, 
the deck is stacked, and free will goes out the window. Peter either 
denies three times, or christ is a false prophet. One of the twelve 
apostles is condemned to betray christ... or christ is a liar.

> When there is free will, and imperfect beings exercising that free 
> will in a reality, "bad" things **will** happen, and those beings will 
> make "mistakes"-- from stealing bubble gum from the store to evils on 
> the scale of Hilter. Sure, God saw (sees) it coming a mile away, but 
> if there wasn't free will in our reality, there is no use for us to be 
> here. It would be no more use than teaching monkeys physics.

Okay, I think I'm following you... but are you trying to imply that us 
physics-taught-monkeys actually have a *use*? :-)


Ronald Chmara, Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
678-530-9542, ron at opus1.com
"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice 
game of chess?" --Joshua

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