[ale] RH + Updates

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.com
Mon Aug 25 08:25:55 EDT 2003

I'm with you.  I wonder, is Debian any better?

Also, I notice that the RPM package management system leaves some to be desired.  Either I am ignorant in it's advanced use, or it is just a little too cumbersome.  For example, in trying to get gDesklets to work -- still unsuccessfully -- I needed to upgrade Python, but that broke python2-gnome2-ui or somesuch.  RPM complained about the upgrade, but I would love to have just said, "upgrade yourself to the latest, and include any dependencies" -- or at least list them and allow me to grab them at will.

I only worked with apt-get shortly working on another project, but it seemed REALLY easy.  Myabe a little too easy, I suppose.  All I said was apt-get this-1.0.3-14, and it upgraded this, that, and the other, all without incident.

I'm not after a pm war, but would love to hear the pros and cons.  Shoot, even emerge was easier than rpm.

On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 07:51, Christopher Fowler wrote:

I know people complain about MS having huge service packas and having
too many of them.  I have to say that I can not keep up with the
amount of patches RedHat releases.  It seems like every day the little
blue icon goes red.  Thank GID I'm only doing updates on 2 ocmputers.

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Matthew Brown
CorData, Inc.
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