[ale] news: sobig.f -- anything yet??

Kilroy, Chris Chris.Kilroy at turner.com
Fri Aug 22 16:02:42 EDT 2003

well, sobig.g probably won't have the same strategic flaw.  =)

->-----Original Message-----
->From: J.M. Taylor [mailto:jtaylor at onlinea.com]
->Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 4:15 PM
->To: ale at ale.org
->Subject: Re: [ale] news: sobig.f -- anything yet??
->From F-Secure:
->Update on 19:00 UTC
->When deadline for the attack was passed, one machine was 
->still (somewhat)
->up. However, immediatly after the deadline, this machine 
->(located in the
->USA) was totally swamped under network traffic.
->We've tried connecting to it, just like the virus does. We do 
->this from
->three different sensors from three different machines in 
->three different
->countries. We haven't been able to connect to it once. If we can't
->connect, neither can the viruses.
->So the attack failed. Whoa.
->We'll keep monitoring until 22:00 UTC. If we're not able to 
->connect once,
->we can safely say that the attack was prevented.
->I so don't believe that something this sophisticated just...fizzled
->quietly away. But...I certainly hope it did!  I'm a bit 
->puzzled by only 20
->machines that were supposed to act as servers...from the major
->aggressiveness of this thing, you'd think that the best that 
->could happen
->with zillions of infected PCs trying to hit 20 machines at 
->once would be
->just a kind of lame ddos.
->Nathan J. Underwood said:
->> Nothing yet, bugfixer and I were just discussing it on IRC.  Kinda
->> scary.
->> Quoting "J.M. Taylor" <jtaylor at onlinea.com>:
->>> Nothing on the news, nothing on F-Secure...it's distressingly quiet
->>> with potentially one 'master server' left running to 
->deliver whatever
->>> it is that sobig wants...
->>> Anybody heard/seen anything?  I can't believe we're lucky 
->enough for
->>> it to have crapped out at this stage...
->>> jenn
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->> --
->> Nathan J. Underwood
->> nathan at cybertechcafe.net
->> http://www.cybertechcafe.net
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