[ale] bringing you the Windows ATM...

Josh Freeman josh at catea.org
Thu Aug 21 15:45:24 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 15:25, Transam wrote:
> In the past few days, I understand that the incompetent companies closing
> operations temporarily due to the blast virus & M$ include Air Canada,
> a Swiss bank, and a U.S. power utility.  The Great Northeast Blackout
> of 2003's timing with blaster seems coincidental but who knows.

That was actually my first thought when I heard about the blackout. Not
terrorism, not the heat wave, but a vulnerability in Windows finally
causing enough damage to make people notice. Somehow I doubt we'd ever
find out if that actually was the case, at least until somebody got sued
and was looking for someone else to follow them down the roller coaster
to litigation Hell.

I mean, it's a bad idea to have ANY single OS running that many critical
systems, but Windows??? UNPATCHED WINDOWS !?!?!?!?!!?


Josh Freeman
Technical Manager
Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access

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