[ale] Interesting Issue with IE Apache and SSL

Denny Chambers dchambers at bugfixer.net
Wed Aug 20 09:47:56 EDT 2003

Does this sound like your problem?


Denny Chambers wrote:

> For SSL are you using self signed certificates? IE has had a history 
> of not doing self signed certificates very well. One version for the 
> Mac would not work at all with self signed certificates (v3). You may 
> want google around to finds some of the work arounds when using 
> openssl and MSIE
> Denny
> Geoffrey wrote:
>> Robert Coggins wrote:
>>> OK all,
>>> I have an interesting delima. I am trying to run a website on a host
>>> using RedHat 7.3 with apache. I (and customers) kept running into an
>>> issue where I would get random page not found errors. However, I
>>> found this would only happen with Internet Explorer. I code on linux
>>> using Mozilla as my test browser so I never noticed it until people
>>> brought it to my attn. I could not for the life of me figure out why
>>> this only happened in IE only.
>> Maybe cause it sucks? :)
>>> I started recoding the whole site thinking it was a gliche in my code.
>>> Now, tonight I thought I would retest some of my new code on IE.
>>> Sure enough I would get that error every now and then. However
>>> tonight I have the sound turned up on my windows box. I noticed this
>>> only happens when I try to click on a link I hear an odd, very rapid,
>>> clicking sounds. Faster than I can possibly click the mouse. I
>>> figure this is messing up the process of sending and receiving acks
>>> from the server. I know this is at least a part screw up in IE
>>> sending the rapid clicks like that. But is there a way to not accept
>>> but one of these clicks on the server side to keep from getting the
>>> page not found error? Or maybe in my code "trap" more than one click
>>> request?
>> The browser should not be responding to a 'non-click.' That is, the 
>> browser should only respond when you send a request. Are you doing 
>> any mouseover stuff? (javascript maybe)
>>> One other thing. I am not 100% sure yet. But I think this might
>>> only happen when I am using SSL on https://.
>> Is it possible that the settings on IE aren't permitting ssl, and 
>> rather then provide a reasonably useful message, it's puking?
>> It would likely help if you could narrow it down to ssl.
>> Do you see anything in the logs? Certainly you must be getting an 
>> error in the error log if they can't find a page?

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