[ale] IBM & Centrino wifi: no support

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed Aug 13 18:04:34 EDT 2003

I should also mention that EmperorLinux gives good support.  They are 
always available via phone when I've called and been completely 
helpful.  Email can be delayed a day or two but the phone always worked 
for me.  I even had an emergency with getting some software straightened 
out and the tech support guy ssh'd in as root and fixed my problem when 
I needed it done right then. :-)

I'm not used to that!  Anyway, the Dell i8500 comes with the Nvidia 
Geforce 4 Go chip which is reasonably equivalent to a Ti4600.  They 
configure the OpenGL hardware acceleration, the display modes, and the 
external VGA out so you don't have to.  It was well worth it for me 
since the i8500 had a IDE controller chip that wasn't supported except 
in newer kernels than what came with SuSE 8.2.  I didn't have the 
knowledge to fix it or spend days and days working on each part of the 
laptop's hardware.  Now everything works and I don't have to worry about 
support either.  Also, the hardware warranty is still supported by Dell 
while the software is supported by EmperorLinux.

Just a few extra thoughts,

David S. Jackson wrote:

>On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 11:20:01AM -0400 Dow Hurst <dhurst at kennesaw.edu> wrote:
>>$400 for the retrofit.
>>If I had added $200 more they would have replaced the wireless card and 
>>configured it.  I didn't have that money.
>I just talked with Lincoln (sp?) this morning there at Emperor;
>he said he install Linux for $350, but a working wifi card would
>cost an extra $200 configured.  
>T. Tso explains on the web how he replaced his Centrino wifi card
>with a Cisco Aironet 350.  It's even covered in the maintenance
>manual available from IBM's website.  I also talked with tech
>support about whether replace the mini-pci wifi card would void
>the warranty (you have to remove the palm rest and keyboard and
>hard drive to do this), and they said no, it was user
>maintenance.  So, it looks scary to do on a brand spanking new
>machine, but for $200, it's worth it.  It's also worth it to
>install Linux yourself, I think.  I got something like 10,400 hits
>when I searched for "linux on t40".
>With the likes of T. Tso putting up howto websites for the t-40,
>it's gotta be good!  :-)

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428           
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744           
1000 Chastain Rd. Bldg. 12                                
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu  
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144                                        
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