[ale] OT: Load Balancer

Transam bob at verysecurelinux.com
Wed Aug 6 22:35:36 EDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 04:54:29PM -0700, Brian wrote:
> I'm currently looking forward on getting a load
> balancer for some of our servers. Can anyone recommend
> a good product that I might want to consider? Any home
> brewed balancers out there? Any thoughts regarding
> this would be appreciated. Thanks

IP Tables will handle this rather simply.  You even can do unequal
distribution in case you want less load on some systems.  I forget
if IP Chains has the same capability.

Bob Toxen
bob at verysecurelinux.com               [Please use for email to me]
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   -- Bob Toxen 10/03/2002
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