[ale] Honeypots/ALEFEST #2

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Apr 29 06:36:04 EDT 2003

tom hawks wrote:
> I initially was the instigator about this as an ALE
> topic.

And it is a valid topic.

> I realize that this is not a topic for a newbe and
> that is why I suggested the Emory location.

I have no problem with a presentation on honeypots as a learning 
experience, I do have a problem with someone attempting to implement 
such technology because "it's cool."

> Security is about trial and error, so good luck.

I think not. :)
> Tom
> Also, I am thinking about another ALEFEST soon, Maybe
> in midtown soon with the GATECH LUG involved. Any suggestions?

There's some discussion going on regarding an installfest at KSU this 

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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