[OT] Re: [ale] pci video card with TV in

Fletch fletch at phydeaux.org
Thu Apr 24 13:55:41 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Calvin" == Calvin Harrigan <charrig at earthlink.net> writes:

    Calvin> Curious, how has mythtv been working for you so far?

I've been using it since 0.7 (a couple of months ago), and installed
the latest stable 0.8 about 3 weeks ago.  It takes up about 50% CPU on
my 1100 Athlon to do 352x400 software MPEG4 encoding, and maybe 20-30%
CPU for playback.  At that size with fairly good quality I get roughly
30 minutes of video in 375M (750M-ish for an hour).  I can also watch
an existing recording while its recording something new (presuming I'm
not doing anything else to tax the box).  

Features I'm not really using but possibly of interest:

* 0.8 does have the start of support for hardware MPEG encoding (I
  think it's a particular Matrox card; check the mythtv.org site
  for the exact details)

* I'm running off plain vanilla Comcast cable, but with a suitable
  satellite box, serial cabling, and a perl script myth can drive
  DirecTV too (again see the site for details).

* there's a web front end available (mythweb); I'm not using it
  because it's PHP and I haven't had time to rewrite it using
  HTML::Mason :)

I have had it crash a couple of times, but I'm attributing that mainly
to hardware problems with my box rather than the myth code (as I'm
also getting random segvs in mozilla and various KDE apps).  I'm very
seriously toying with picking up another 1GHZ-ish box and the second
wintv card to set up as dedicated box hooked to the TV (right now it's
running on my main desktop box).

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
770 294-0820 (m)      |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
                      |                                               U
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