[ale] What to use

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Apr 22 18:31:33 EDT 2003

More info.

We use perl now to do automated testing and provide on-off utilities for
our embedded devices.  Mainly these utilities run for a while then exit

My concern is creating a enterprise software product and perl being the
base.  Spamassasin has shown to be a good product however but it is
really processing text as it comes in

I want to start the agent on Jan 1 and see it still running well on Dec
25.  If you know what I mean.


On Tue, 2003-04-22 at 18:17, Chris Fowler wrote:
> This perl code I've been working on the past 2 days has been a proof of
> concept for a much larger project.  I've seem to have gotten it to work
> even though I've ran into a few stumbling blocks.  Mostly as a result of
> ignorance of the language.  Still, we are looking at a huge project that
> will need to following quality features:
> 1) Web interface for configuration and communications
> 2) Back-end that runs 24x7
>    This backend will be handling many network connections receiving
>    and sending data.  It will parse that data and take actions as a
>    result of what may be in that data.
> 3) Logging. 
>    We'll log to flat files or a database.  
> 4) All network connections must remain operational.  If a remote goes   
>    down, the backend must keep trying to establish that remote.
> We have a similar application that we wrote in Java that uses SWING.  It
> is mainly for use in NOC environments.  We are looking to provide a more
> automated version.  But if I look at our accomplishments in the Java
> piece I see the heavy use of threads to monitor connections.  
> Here is what I'm thinking:
> Option 1: Perl + PHP.
>    All agents can be written in perl and be fully open to the
>    user if he/she wishes to mod them.  I've been able to use
>    XML::Parser to great effect and we'll use XML for all our
>    configuration. PHP will be used to display current stats and
>    logs, etc.
> Option 2: J2EE.
>   We can easily port much of our java code over to a J2EE environment.
>   The agent will be a java program with many threads.  We'll use Tomcat
>   do the same as PHP in option 1. Just like in option 1, agents will 
>   remain active 24x7 gathering data
> The idea of the project is simple.  We'll going to spend more time
> making the software robust vs. providing the customers features that
> they need.  So I'm a little confused as to what road I may want to take.
> Is Python better than Perl?  Maybe a combination of both?  We'll have
> one agent that streams data off out embedded devices.  That agent will
> pass the data to another agent that will look for patterns.  If it sees
> patterns, then a third agent will be notified.  That agent will then
> send notifications via mail, SNPP, SNMP, etc.  If configured, a 4th
> agent may execute programs on behalf of the admin. 
> Making that robust will be a challenge.  We have to have 99.99% uptime
> for the software an 100% accuracy.  This is basically a form of NMS. 
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chris
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