[ale] Defeated by the offshoring of America....

George Carless kafka at antichri.st
Mon Apr 14 11:50:59 EDT 2003

>   I wonder.  Delta is in the process of laying off alot of good people to
> "save money" just like companies going off shore.  Some of us sat down
> with figures from required legal postings and were astounded how much
> money they could save on "expenses" and still hire back all the hard
> workers just by "right sizing" half of the top 3 levels of management...
> The sickest part is the number of bonus checks that will go out for all
> the money saved by laying off workers who mak $12/hr trying to survive.

You'll get no real argument from me on that point.  However, the theory
is, of course, that unless paid large salaries with bonuses and all the
rest of it, the upper echelons of management will elect to take their
skills elsewhere, meaning the economy as a whole will lose out: your major
companies need their CEOs more than they need their $12/hr worker bees.
Clearly, though, that point is debatable when the same companies are
bleeding money left and right; and when those companies continue to pay
their executives large bonuses, it leaves a sour taste in all of our


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