[ale] ALE reply-to changes needed??

Keith Hopkins hne at hopnet.net
Sat Apr 12 10:46:30 EDT 2003

Geoffrey wrote:
> Based on feedback I've received, it appears to me that the configuration 
> of the mail list should be changed so that replies to posted messages 
> should default to the poster.  It is my understanding that replying to 
> all, will go to both the list and the poster in this type of configuration.
> I'd like to hear further comments before making any changes though.  As 
> in most democratic societies, top vote counts will win.  Bring it on...

Change the puppie.

   Don't munge the Reply-To or From headers. (http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/entry/munge.html)

   I hope my mail client will "Reply" to the From/Reply-To field as defined by the person who sent the e-mail.

Lost in Tokyo,

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