[ale] crontab forward remove e-mail

moisey.g.oysgelt at mail.sprint.com moisey.g.oysgelt at mail.sprint.com
Tue Sep 24 09:16:34 EDT 2002

Hello experts!!
I created ,for monitoring purposes , a process   forward e-mail created 
by crontjob to my windows account, and delete the same mail from UNIX 

I wrote and tested  a KORN script  :


while [[ $keeplooping -eq 1 ]] ; do
  echo m moisey at sprint.com| /usr/bin/mail >/dev/null
  if [[ $> -ne 0 ]] ; then
This script successfully runs in OS Solaris , but I could not make it 
run under Linux Suse, I have installed korn shell in the Linux box.

My question is  :  Do you have a similar script for Linux  or Is there 
better way to do the same task in the Linux environment ? 

Moisey Oysgelt 
      Proposal, Engineering & Pricing Software 
      Business Phone: 404.649.5374 
      Business Fax:  404.649.5437 
      3100 Cumberland Circle 
      Atlanta GA 30339 
      Mailstop: GAATLN0515

      Moisey.G.Oysgelt at mail.sprint.com 

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