[ale] Linux Mags?

aaron aaron at pd.org
Mon Sep 23 18:44:10 EDT 2002

On Monday 23 September 2002 15:47, you wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 14:25, Michael Hirsch wrote:
> > Other than Linux Journal, I read Kernel Traffic (kt.zork.net) weekly,
> > Linux Weekly News (lwn.net) weekly, and Linux Gazette Monthly (when I
> > remember).  I read a couple of other Linux Mags (Linux Magazine is
> > one, and there is a British one whose name I forget) and they didn't
> > seem as interesting as LJ.  I do miss the Embedded Linux Journal,
> > however.
> <sniff> Embedded Linux Journal <sob> <bawl>

Why so many tears?? Embedded Journal is still a regular feature section 
Linux Journal, which prompted me to go ahead and pay for a subscription 
last month. I also get Linux magazine, but need to decide if I want to 
continue that as well.

I think the British magazine Michael Hirsch mentioned is Linux Format. 
"Format" publishes several technology periodicals (until this year they 
produced an "Amiga Format" mag) and their publications are easily 
recognized by their attractive, flashy presentation, heavy on photos, 
color and gloss. Their content also tends to be flashy, so Linux Format 
leans more toward Desktop Apps, GUI Gadgetry and Gaming  than the 
networking / server / enterprise focus of most of the other Linux 

Format is a bit pricey, coming from across the pond and all that, but it 
may be better suited to folks interested in using Linux for Desktop, 
Workstation, Media and Gaming apps.


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