[ale] SpamAssassin Testing

Ryan Neily ryan at neily.net
Sun Sep 22 19:16:06 EDT 2002

I've been doing some testing with SpamAssassin lately, and I am just more 
and more impressed with this project! 

I ran two tests today with SpamAssassin on my RedHat 7.2 box, once with
the default config and one with the Vapul Razor blacklist install/enabled.  
Testing with 500 (fresh) spam messages yeilded 86.2% of the spam being
identified, and with the Razor blacklist on, Spamassassin yeilded 93.8%...

Those are pretty impressive numbers, and there are alot of other fucntions
in Spamassassin that can be enabled to drive those percentaged up even
further. . Keep in mind you need a pretty beefy box to run Spamassassin
sitewide, or even spewing 500 e-mails through it. My Pentium 233 box, with
200meg of memory thrashed violently at the task and was totally
un-useable.  I saw load avg's over 60 on my box that runs patheticly at a
load avg. of 5 or 6.(I was was worried that the swap filling might lock my box up and ruin my
alltime high uptime of 201days, but not too worry, I'm almost to 202 now!)

If you've not installed or checked out SpamAssassin, check it out... 

Ryan Neily
ryan at neily.net

Random Quote:
A:	Dr. Livingston I. Presume.
Q:	What's Dr. Presume's full name?

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