[ale] OT, but not as OT as recent stuff (JAVA)

Brian brianb_ale at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 16:34:54 EST 2002

--- Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
> Okay Java gurus, I've come to the conclusion Java
> was designed to drive 
> you insane whenever you need to convert types.  I'm
> trying to take two 
> java.lang.Objects which are a series of numbers
> subtract one from the 
> other and store the result in a long value.  I've
> tried:

     (long)theObject // Won't work, cant cast between
primitives and objects

     (Long)theObject // Nope
      Long.parseLong(theObject) // Works for String
objects. Expects a String object parameter. 

Assuming you're using the Wrapper Classes for Long,
etc., you can assign the difference of these two
objects to a primitive type by:

       Long objLong = new Long(15);
       Integer objInt = new Integer(10);
       long lng = (long)(objLong.longValue() -

I'm not sure if this answers your question. 

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