[ale] amd processors and memory

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Oct 22 22:39:31 EDT 2002

Stephen Turner wrote:
>>This mb has both ddr and pc100/133 memory slots, one of the main reasons
>>   I chose it.  Anyway, nothing in the manual or on the website about
>>memory configuration.  I know I can't mix ddr and pc133, but what I'm
>>trying to do (and it's not working) is put a 256mb and 128mb stick in
>>together.  Do they have to be the same size?
>>When I put them both in, the bios reports 512, an obvious problem.
> i have a similar mb and i run ddr, i have a 256 and a 512 stix mix in
> there so i know it works, not to mention we are dealing with dimms here :)
> they only require one stick to work, my memory of A+ is faded but not that
> faded :-p in any case perhaps you did not set the jumpers properly? or
> maybe, just maybe, you aquired a better stick than you paid for ;)

No jumpers to set and the memory was moved from another mb where it 
worked fine for quite a while.

It's like it sees the first stick and assumes the 2nd is the same size.

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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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