[ale] localhost name changes when logged into ISP

Jerry Z. Yu z.yu at voicecom.com
Sat Nov 30 22:10:10 EST 2002

set HOSTNAME=whatever in your /etc/sysconfig/network. I used this for my 
AT&T dhcp setup.

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Jason Day wrote:

#On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 08:32:48PM -0500, Neal Wilkinson wrote:
#> How do I keep my computer name localhost? My hosts file reads
#> localhost.localdomain localhost I poked around some and found the
#> suggestion to also add the line "PEERDNS=no" to my
#> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 without luck. It still draws a
#> host name from my ISP. My /etc/sysconfig/network has the line
#> HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain It won't keep the name localhost. How do
#> I force it to stay named localhost? Thanks.
#My guess is your DHCP client is getting a hostname from the server and
#setting it when it gets an IP address.  You can configure it not to do
#so, but how you do this depends on the client you are using.  If you
#don't know what client you're using, try this:
#   ps ax | grep dhc
#If you see dhcpcd or dhclient in the output, then we can go from there.
#If not, try
#  ps ax | grep pump
#If that doesn't help, tell us what distro you're using and someone here
#can probably guess at the most likely client.
#Jason Day                                       jasonday at
#http://jasonday.home.att.net                    worldnet dot att dot net
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Jerry Z. Yu				+1-404-487-8544 (O)
systems engineer			z.yu at voicecom.com
is support, voicecom, llc		www.voicecom.com

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