[ale] [Fwd: Re: [ale] chance to talk with Johnny Isakson('s staff)]

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Nov 12 09:32:58 EST 2002

cfowler wrote:

> Yes this is something I'm curious about.  We have a java position open
> and I've interviewed many people.  Out of all those people maybe 80%
> were not American.  This I'm not sure of because I never really asked. 
> I believe that many were Indian, Milddle Eastern, And finally American. 
> Those were the 3 groups that I interviewd.  

Were they citizens, or not?  You should always provide the opportunity 
to citizens first, (as long as the skills are there)

> The amazing thing I saw was that of all the companies that provided me
> resources, these individuals were of Asian descent.  I've come to the
> conclusion that maybe Asians have a better understanding of the Java
> language because I met some very talented individuals.  I wish I could
> use each and every one of the individuals I interviewed.  All seem to
> have a good grasp of the concepts I needed implemented in Java.  

Look at code samples.  I currently work with two folks who can write the 
code, but they apparently have absolutely no programming training.  The 
use of indentation is inconsistent at best, and extensive use of poor 
programming constructs. (multi if-then-else-if-then-else, where case 
statement would be a much better and READABLE solution).

Also, you've got to keep in mind the issues of communication.  I work 
from home and two of the three people I work with do not speak English 
natively.  I have no gripe with that if you've got a command of the 
language, but when I can not understand what you're saying, this is a 
huge issue.

Now there will be folks who claim this is either an issue of diversity, 
or even racist.  It is not.  Verbal communication is just as important a 
tool (if not more) then the technical skills.

> One group asked me to outsource to India. This is against what I want. 
> I feel that all jobs should stay in the country.

A whole different problem there.  Language again, and often even more 
so, since the folks you outsource it to probably don't speak English 
natively, and don't have to on a regular basis.

Further, there's a the timezone issue when it comes to having meetings 
and such.

I'm all for a diversified employee base, but the verbal communication 
issue is real and I see it all the time.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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