[ale] smart media card problem RESOLVED

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Wed Nov 6 01:09:08 EST 2002

> Can anyone
> recommend a book that would gets into the more esoteric details of
> Linux.


The book I really used when I first started out in Linux was "Red Hat 5.2
Unleashed".  Read it cover to cover after skipping around getting 5.2 to
install.  It was good because I was a newbie and wanted newbie info, and
the Unleashed series tries to touch on everything it can (albeit lightly)
from a newbie perspective.  Good for initial exposure.

If you feel a bit too far along for that sort of text, check out the Linux
Administration Handbook (by the same guys who write the Unix System
Administration Handbook).  Good coverage of many concepts and much depth. 
Size of book (thin compared to most) is misleading, as a large wealth of
knowledge is contained within.

> Of the machines that I have, the most stable and
> "working" computer is the fully installed and updated RedHat 7.2(s). How >
> long will RedHat continue to update 7.2? Should I get away from RedHat
> (and move to Gentoo for awhile)? Spend a few months on level 3 only?

Depends on what you want to do.  Want a stable system?  Either Red Hat and
Gentoo (or a number of others) will suffice. Want to become an uber-geek? 
Go with the Linux from Scratch and build your own distribution.  I myself
run Red Hat 8 as my primary desktop machine, but have Debian, Gentoo and
RH 7.3 boxen strewn around here as well.  Many people disagree with me,
but I think Red Hat 8 is the best Linux distro (from a desktop user
perspective) I've had the privilege of using.  And those Gnome 2
anti-aliased fonts are just beautiful.  But, of course, eye-candy isn't
always the most import thing.


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