[ale] [FOR SALE] wireless networking cards

Stuffed Crust pizza at shaftnet.org
Tue Nov 5 12:13:56 EST 2002

On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 10:37:53AM -0500, Dana Powers wrote:
> Or, linux doesnt support them?
> ...yet...

No. TI Does not support Linux.  D-Link does not support Linux.

It is impossible for "Linux" to support a particular bit of hardware if
the manufacturers don't release specs.  And if they do provide specs,
they're so heavily burned by NDAs that even mentioning that you've seen
'em can get you sued.

Bottom line.  Don't hold your breath if you want Linux support for TI
ACX100-based wireless widgets.  

And the ironic thing?  There are already linux drivers for jsut about
every wireless chipset, as most of those embedded widgets you see are
running Linux.

 - Pizza
Solomon Peachy                                   pizza at f*cktheusers.org
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent.                         ICQ #1318344
Patience comes to those who wait.                         Melbourne, FL
               Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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