[ale] Maxtor >160 gig drives

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Wed May 22 13:29:53 EDT 2002


On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 17:16, Luis Luna wrote:
> Has anyone used one of the newer Maxtor 160 gig harddrives work under
> Linux? The system is PIII 550 w/ Redhat 6.2. It is running a very stable
> samba setup so I don't want to re-compile kernel, add to source
> anything. I just want to drop it in, fdisk/format and go.
> 	I know they have a driver for windows, just drop it in, install
> driver, reboot and format. 	
> 	Any ideas? Thanks for any help. I know that a promise or siig
> controller card might be needed but the maxtor site has little in the
> way of linux, the promise site has little info on linux, the siig is
> where it stated a re-compile etc.. 

	Linux is running into the limits of 32 bit addressing here.  There is
new code in the 2.4.19-pre series (I think) that can handle the 48 bit
addressing necessary for these large drives.

kernel, n.: A part of an operating system that preserves the
medieval traditions of sorcery and black art.


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