[ale] open source wars at DOD

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Fri May 24 15:54:07 EDT 2002

On Fri, 24 May 2002, Pete Hardie wrote:

> Thompson Freeman wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 24 May 2002, Pete Hardie wrote:
> > > I'd say that closed-source from a typical vendor is faster to respond
> > > to specific customer requests than an open-source project, since the
> > > money paid for the program can fund a dedicated customer support group
> > > that is acutely aware that failing to respond to customers will result
> > > in the loss of their jobs; typical open-source projects are not as
> > > responsive because there is no immediate negative feedback for slow
> > > fixes.
> > 
> > Huh??
> > 
> > I'm tempted to say "Prove it", but I'm time strapped to do my own research
> > to support the contrary. I do seem to recall seeing that open source
> > companies were among the faster to patch security holes. But then again,
> > my memory is a security hole being exploited 8-(.
> Ah, but M$ is a monopoly, which means they don't have to care.  Look instead to
> Sun, HP/HPaq, and Apple - how fast do they respond when GM or another *big*
> customer complains?

Since I'm not GM (or anybody else for that matter) I don't care how fast
they get the troops motivated for GM - which will not get aggrivated until
the work force tells management to get pissed off or work will cease. Not
all management is utterly inert, of course, but my limited experience says
many are.

I'm sorry, but I really don't think you are making much sense. Which is
not to be an ad homen (sp?) attack, but a statement of opinion. YMMV.


The harder I work, the luckier I get.
                    Lee Iacocca
Thompson Freeman          tfreeman at intel.digichem.net

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