[ale] X screensaver daemon keeps dying

Kevin Krumwiede krum at smyrnacable.net
Mon May 6 14:42:50 EDT 2002

I changed screensavers and the problem disappeared.  WhirlwindWarp has
been "up" for three days.  Sproingies was the one that kept dying.


On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 23:10, Joseph A Knapka wrote:
> Kevin Krumwiede wrote:
> > 
> > Every day when I come home from work, my X screensaver daemon is dead.
> > I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this one.  Any ideas?
> If it has a non-daemon mode, start it that way and
> pipe standard error to a file, and check that file
> after it crashes. Also, if it produced a core dump,
> and it's compiled in debug mode, and you have the
> source, you can use gdb to do postmortem debugging.
> That will at least give you good information to
> send to the maintainer of the code.
> Cheers,
> -- Joe
>     Any OS distinguishable from Windows is not sufficiently broken.

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