[ale] Installing RH 7.2 on an Epox 8KHA+ - Problems

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at attbi.com
Sun Mar 17 16:42:46 EST 2002

Adrin wrote:
  As long as you are checking things like that.   Might aswell look at the Power supply voltages.  I had some strangeerrors once and it turn out that the 12 Volt supply wasabout 12% to low.  I never had a problem with AT powersupplies but my first ATX lasted a little over a year.Adrin
That is a problem I experienced as well.  Symptoms would look a lot like
that, and might affect the video card before the motherboard/CPU.
- Jeff
  DDECIPOACEFDMJPCIHNBOELFCFAA.haswes at mindspring.com">
    -----Original Message-----From: laytonj [mailto:laytonj]On Behalf Of Jeff LaytonSent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:09 AMTo: Jeff HubbsCc: ale at ale.orgSubject: Re: [ale] Installing RH 7.2 on an Epox 8KHA+ -ProblemsJeff Hubbs wrote:
      Jeff Layton wrote:
        Good morning,  I just put together a new system with an Epox 8KHA+,AMD XP 1800+, S3 Savage 2000 64 Meg, WD 200BB,and an old NEC MultiSync 5FGp monitor. I tried installingRH 7.2 using the graphical mode and it always pukes.Sometimes, I get a good error message:Traceback (innermost last):  File "/usr/lib/anaconda", line 477 in ?     from splashscreen import splashScreenShow  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/splashscreen.py", line 24 in ?     from gtk import *  SyntaxError: can't assign to operator (line 2318)Othertimes, I get,Probling for Monitor Type: Unable to ProbeX server started successfullyinstall exited abnormally(X came up with that silly gray background for about5 seconds and then drops back to the framebuffer mode).  I used this exact same monitor (and keyboard and mousefor that matter) to install RH 7.2 on a PIII/500, Stealth
            IBM 30 Gig HD (75 GXP I think).  Textmode for RH 7.2 also pukes, but at various pointsduring the install. I also tried RH 7.1 and the graphical
                dies everytime just as RH 7.2 does. Text mode in RH 7.1gets a little farther, but will also die (but in random
                      Does anyone have any ideas? I've built a few systems(about 10+) and installed RH more times than I can
                        and this is the first time I've ever had any problems.
                        Did I
                            build the box badly? Do I have a short perhaps? Is theresomething weird about the KT266A chipset? The Athlon?TIA,Jeff Layton
                            Jeff -A brand-new machine that fails in varying spots when
                            installing an OS
                              suggests the possibility of a thermal problem.  Are you
                              100% certain the
                                CPU is properly heatsinked?The last time this happened to me, whoever built the
                                machine had left
                                  the protective backing paper on the thermal tape on the
                                  underside of the
                                    heatsink.  Removed all that, replaced the then-damaged
                                    tape with a small
                                      bit of thermal goop, and the machine ran normally.
                                      The CPU is Monarch and it came with no tape or anything onit.I cleaned it with iospropyl achohol and used Acrtic SilverII onthe CPU and the heatsink (ThermalRight SK-6 which had notapeon it - and I cleaned it with iso alcohol). I appliedeverything the way theThermalRight website said to (at least I think I did).Everything seemedto go together just fine.I'm assuming that nothing's wrong here. I turned on the boxand let itsit for about an hour of so to check the CPU temperaturewith the BIOSand it stabilized at about 40 deg. C.Could it be something with the graphics card not being setcorrectly?Thanks!Jeff
                                        This may not be your ONLY problem but you should make REAL
                                        sure before
                                            - Jeff---This message has been sent through the ALE general
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