[ale] File::stat and Time::localtime

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 13 14:20:18 EST 2002

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 06:34:10PM -0000 Greg Sabino Mullane <greg at turnstep.com> wrote:
> Start with something simple that you know works and build your 
> way up until you find the problem. First, do something like this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $=1; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> for (sort keys %ENV) {
>   print "<li>$_: <b>$ENV{$_}</b></li>\n";
> }

Very good idea.  KISS until I know how their system handles

> Once you get that to run, start adding in modules, increasing 
> complexity, etc. Fall back to the last version when you get 
> an error. You may even be able to write a script that can 
> give you the last few lines of the error_log over the web. :)

Excellent idea!  :-)  /me chuckles himself silly...

YTH!  (Yes that helps!)

David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
I don't want to live on in my work, I want to live
on in my apartment.  -- Woody Allen

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