[ale] CGI and Earthlink hosting
esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Mar 13 13:02:39 EST 2002
I doubt the will permit you to do any cgi stuff. Most larger ISPs, will
not because of the risk.
David S. Jackson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a cgi perl script on an earthlink host. I'm
> not sure if they even support CGI.pm, or if so, to what extent.
> I've asked several times via email, and they don't respond to
> mod_perl or CGI.pm questions.
> The scripts seem to work fine on my boxes. I only change the
> directory paths for the remote scripts. But since I don't have
> access to their logs, I can't tell precisely what the errors are
> on their site.
> Near as I can tell, everything *should* work fine, but it
> doesn't. Example, when I try and load my frontpage.cgi script, I
> get the following in Netscale alt-u:
> <LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto:HASH(0x113020)">
> <BASE HREF="HASH(0x112f98)">
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
> ************* I generate this with: *************
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
> use Carp;
> use CGI qw(:standard *table );
> use strict;
> my $baseurl = 'http://www.dsj.net';
> print header(), title("DSJ Networks"),
> start_html({bgcolor=>"white"}, {text=>"#000000"},
> {Link=>"#0000ff"}, {vlink=>"#551a8b"}, {alink=>"#ff0000"});
> ####################
> ## Start Main Table
> ####################
> print table({cellpadding=>5, width=>"100%"},
> Tr(
> #######################
> ## Left Side Navigation
> #######################
> td({valign=>"top", width=>"20%", bgcolor=>"#dddddd"},
> p( {align=>"center"},
> a({href=>"http://www.dsj.net"},
> img({align=>"center", src=>"$baseurl/penguin.jpg", alt=>'DSJ Net
> Home'}, '')
> ) # End of anchor
> ), # End of paragraph
> br(),
> blah blah etc etc
> ********************** end my script **********************
> So, I ask, what's causing this problem? Why am I getting a
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JAVASCRIPT"> forgodsake????
> TIA.
Until later: Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?
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