[ale] all in one cd?
Stephen Turner
artic_knight at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 7 08:53:10 EST 2002
so, i was thinking, make a bootable cd and have bash
installed with what? file utils? just a basic console
system no need for most of the hoopla just enough to
have it copy er rebuild a system. by my current
experience (which is little and spaced over the course
of 1-2 years) i have noticed that you dont need video
drivers or pretty much any drivers unless you plan on
having a sound card or video card. the kernel would
need some generic support for all systems obviously or
just the systems you plan to run this cd on. well
anyways to get to the point, a basic floppy distro
like toms root boot boots from the cdrom and from a
bash prompt you run certain scripts or commands to
install basic systems (LFS systems) for web, file
sharing, ftp, ect. have this on one of those snazzy 3"
cds and you got yourself a good cd for demonstrations
right? the cd has 185 meg before format, if you dont
include unneeded programs in your system then i figure
you could get atleast a web, samba, and mysql install
cd going.. what do you think? it would be handy for
installing new boxes too ;) probobly a home brew cd
but im thinking its worth a web site :)
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