[ale] gnutella on firewall

Keith Hopkins hne at hopnet.net
Wed Jul 24 08:08:54 EDT 2002

Keith Hopkins wrote:
> cfowler wrote:
>> It seems my gnutella is complaining that I am using it on a private
>> subnet behind a firewall.  Do I need to setup any nat settings on my
>> firewall to make this client appear public?  Can someone tell me what
>> they are?
> Off the top of my head, you'll need to poke a hole through the firewall 
> (reverse proxy) to let inbound queries through.
> Reverse proxy isn't NAT, but something you can do with iptables (and I'm 
> maybe ipchains too).
> I don't recall the port settings offhand, but you should be able to 
> check the gnutella setting for a port to listen to.  Limewire is using 
> port 6346, and thing gnutella would be the same.

hmm, I've been in Japan too long....Engrish is becoming a 2nd language.

Lost in Tokyo,

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