[ale] looking for a short (paid) training session

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Jul 16 17:43:19 EDT 2002

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Ray McClellan wrote:

> Not sure if this is the proper arena, but I'm looking for some quick
> help on a first-time (and probably one-time) project.  I need a way to
> transfer files between an old VAX with VMS 5.4 to a PC.  VMS 5.4 was the
> last release prior to OpenVMS, where DEC implemented support for TCP/IP.
> These systems are setup with DECnet though, and I learned last weekend
> that DECnet support has been added to the 2.4 Linux kernel. I
> optimistically ran out and bought a copy of Mandrake 8.2 and killed a
> lot of time over the weekend trying to get it running.

Not nearly as fast or nice, but you might consider Kermit as your backup
position. Wish I could help with the project otherwise. 8-(

> I've read the MAN pages, bought a few books and posted Linux-DECnet
> stuff I could find, and I'm confident that eventually I could get it.  I
> also realize that given my time constraints, on-site help would be the
> best answer. I'm willing to pay for someone's time if they could come to
> our office in Marietta (preferably some evening this week), and show me
> the error of my ways. Once the kernel is setup and the dnprogs
> installed, I'm confident I've got the VMS resources to get things
> talking.  From what I've read, the Linux part should be routine, but
> none of the help and examples look like they'll get me there soon
> enough.
> If anyone is interested, please let me know.  I can be reached via
> e-mail, at the office number below or after hours at 404-307-1592.
> Thanks. 
> Ray McClellan
> MRI Technical Services, Inc.
> 1730 Cumberland Point Dr.  #4
> Marietta, GA  30067
> 770-690-8020  voice
> 770-690-0102  fax

The harder I work, the luckier I get.
                    Lee Iacocca
Thompson Freeman          tfreeman at intel.digichem.net

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