[ale] OT: Is speed reading a pile of ...

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 14 16:20:19 EDT 2002

fgz wrote:
> > read a few books about the subject...noticed no difference. In fact I
> > was missing a lot of detailed info. I guessed spead reading/learning was
>                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I 'guessed' your intent to spell speed as 'spead'
> was to emphasis the point? :-)
> > meant to get the general idea for a test.
> >
> To me it depends on the book topic. I personally
> never found it of  much value to skim (er, speed
> read?) a science or tech book given the volume of
> detailed stuff in a 'typical' paragraph in one of those.
> I had to drudge through it (inverse speed reading!)
> and write down the key points in the margins and/or
> outline it.

I can suck down the average 500-page SF novel
in about three hours. But technical stuff can slow
me down to a single page every three hours :-)
Someone needs to figure out how to subliminally
embed real technical material into SF novels.
(Hah! Steganography again!)


-- Joe

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