[ale] OT - DSL

Charles Marcus CharlesM at Media-Brokers.com
Fri Jul 12 07:00:32 EDT 2002

> Christopher Fowler wrote:
>> Do they provide a service level agreement for their
>> service?  If not, its is worthless as business DSL

Yeah, worthless.  For 2.5 years, we have been paying $60/mo instead of
$400/mo (which is what a business SDSL line at a reasonable speed would have
cost in January of 2000 - and a T-1 would have cost about $1,000), so, the
'worthless' non-value, as you put it, comes to a realized savings of about
$10,200 - $28,200.

Yep - worthless.

> When I talked to them about setting up a business dsl
> line, which is required if you want a static ip, they
> refused to commit to  guarantee ANY speed.  That's
> right ANY.  They wouldn't even guarantee it would be
> faster then a 56k connection.

So?  If the speed isn't there, you cancel the contract and go with someone
else.  And if you believe these contracts can't be broken for
non-performance, even if the contract doesn't guarantee anything, you don't
know anything about contracts and the law.

> By the way, every dsl provider I've ever dealt with
> has said the same thing.  Anyone have a dsl provider
> who guarantees ANY throughput numbers?

Exactly - so, you either pay through the nose for *slower* SDSL speeds where
you get your 'guarantee', or you take a calculated risk and go with ADSL.
If you are close to the CO, and don't need the outbound bandwidth, it's a
slam dunk, imho.


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