[ale] H1B -- What To Do

George Johnson gljay at netzero.net
Wed Jul 10 09:55:43 EDT 2002

In this case I was referring to them choosing not to pay foreigners but
Americans to do the work to AVIOD paying the tax.  And also I was talking
about foreign business that come here to sell goods in which case I do not
care how they do or do not pay taxes as we get the $$ up front.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Marcus [mailto:CharlesM at Media-Brokers.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:30 AM
To: Ale
Subject: RE: [ale] H1B -- What To Do

> From: George Johnson [mailto:gljay at netzero.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:23 AM
> I think that we should possibly tax businesses for the
> foreign labor they use in programming.  If the IRS can
> check on all of us the Government can check on all the
> businesses that are using foreign labor over seas to
> write programs.

Sounds good - yeah, lets get those big nasty businesses!

Only one problem...

Businesses _don't_pay_taxes_!  Period.

Also, not one nickel of your income tax goes to fund any government
programs.  It *all*, every *nickel* (quoting the Grace Commission Report),
goes to pay on the debt.  In a debt-based, fractional reserve monetary
system (*all* money in circulation *must*, by *definition*, be *borrowed*
into existence), the only way to keep a handle on hyper-inflation is to tax
the excess out of the system - hence, the income tax (or did you think it
was just a coincidence that we got bothe the income tax and the federal
reserve system the same year?).

Since the vast majority of Americans legally owe no income tax (see
www.taxableincome.net), I am perfectly happy with the system the way it is,
with one exception - the runaway government thugs (agents, officers,
commissioners masquerading as judges, etc) who trample on the Constitution
as if it were toilet paper.


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